Peer-reviewed publications
(*denotes students, postdocs and research assistants)
Murray, C.S.*, Mays, A., Long, M., Aluru, N., Cross-generational plasticity in Atlantic silversides (Menidia menidia) under the combined effects of hypoxia and acidification.
Aluru, N., Venkataraman, Y.R., Murray, C.S., DePascuale, V., Gene expression and DNA methylation changes in response to hypoxia in toxicant-adapted Atlantic killifish (Fundulus heteroclitus).
Pitt, J.A.*, Aluru N, Hahn M.E. 2023. Microplastics in Marine Food Webs. In: Plastics in the Sea: Occurrence and Impacts (Sandra Shumway and Evan Ward, Editors). Academic Press. (In press; February 01, 2025).
Aluru, N., Chapman, D.P., Becker, K., Van Mooy, B.A.S., Karchner, S.I., Stegeman, J.J., Hahn, M.E. Developmental exposure of zebrafish to saxitoxin causes altered expression of genes associated with axonal growth. NeuroToxicology 2024 (In press).
Willett, K.L., Aluru, N. 2024. Toxicology of fishes, Second Edition. CRC press, Boca Raton, pp.480.
Aluru, N., Willett, K.L. 2024. Epigenetics in toxicology. In: Toxicology of Fishes, 2nd edition (Aluru, N. and Willett, K.L., eds.). CRC press, Boca Raton, pp.306-323.
Pitt JA*, Gallagher, S.M., Youngs, S., Michel, A.P.M., Hahn ME, Aluru N. The abundance and localization of environmental microplastics in gastrointestinal tract and muscle of Atlantic killifish (Fundulus heteroclitus). Microplastics and Nanoplastics 2024
Pitt, J.A.*, Hahn, M.E., Aluru, N. Implications of exposure route for the bioaccumulation potential of nano polystyrene particles. Chemosphere 2024 351:141133.
Murray, C.S.*, Gregg, J.L., Mackenzie, A.H., Jayasekera, H, Hall, S., Klinger, T., Hershberger, P.K. The effects of elevated pCO2 on bioenergetics and disease susceptibility in Pacific herring (Clupea pallasii). Marine Ecology Progress Series 2024 738:225-242
Sci Rep. 2023; 13(1):2587. PMCID: PMC9929266.
Developmental exposure to domoic acid targets reticulospinal neurons and leads to aberrant myelination in the spinal cord.James, B.D.*, Karchner, S.I., Walsh, A.N., Aluru, N., Franks, D.G., Sullivan, K.R., Reddy, C.M., Ward, C.P., Hahn, M.E. Formulation controls the potential neuromuscular toxicity of Polyethylene Photoproducts in developing zebrafish. Environmental Science and Technology 2023 57(21):7966-7977.
Pandelides, Z., Sturgis, M.C., Thornton, C., Aluru, N., Willett, K.L. Benzo[a]pyrene induced multigenerational changes in gene expression, behavior, and DNA methylation are primarily influenced by paternal exposure. Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology 2023 469:116545.
Aquat Toxicol. 2022; 252:106310. PMCID: PMC9701550.
Symptomatic and asymptomatic domoic acid exposure in zebrafish (Danio rerio) revealed distinct non-overlapping gene expression patterns in the brain.2021
Ecol Evol. 2021; 11(23):16776-16785. PMCID: PMC8668794.
Gene expression and epigenetic responses of the marine Cladoceran, Evadne nordmanni, and the copepod, Acartia clausi, to elevated CO2.Toxicol Sci. 2021; 182(2):310-326. PMCID: PMC8331133.
Developmental Exposure to Domoic Acid Disrupts Startle Response Behavior and Circuitry in Zebrafish.Pandelides Z*, Aluru N, Thornton C, Watts HE, Willett KL. Transcriptomic Changes and the Roles of Cannabinoid Receptors and PPARγ in Developmental Toxicities Following Exposure to Δ9-Tetrahydrocannabinol and Cannabidiol. Toxicol Sci. 2021; 182(1):44-59. PMCID: PMC8285010.
Toxicol Sci. 2021; 179(1):84-94.
PCB126 Exposure Revealed Alterations in m6A RNA Modifications in Transcripts Associated With AHR Activation.Environ Health Perspect. 2020; 128(11):117002.
Developmental Neurotoxicity of the Harmful Algal Bloom Toxin Domoic Acid: Cellular and Molecular Mechanisms Underlying Altered Behavior in the Zebrafish Model.Toxicol Sci. 2020; 173(1):41-52.
Developmental Exposure to PCB153 (2,2',4,4',5,5'-Hexachlorobiphenyl) Alters Circadian Rhythms and the Expression of Clock and Metabolic Genes.2019
Xu, X., Li, G., Li, C., Zhang, J., Wang, Q., Simmons, D.K., Chen, X., Wijesena, N., Zhu, W., Wang, Z., Wang, Z., Ju, B., Ci, W., Lu, X., Yu, D., Wang, Q., Aluru, N., Oliveri, P., Zhang, Y.E., Martindale, M.Q., Liu, J. 2019. Evolutionary transition between invertebrates and vertebrates via methylation reprogramming in embryogenesis. National Science Review nwz064, :
Glazer, L*., Kido Soule, M.C., Longnecker, K., Kujawinski, E.B., Aluru, N. 2018 Hepatic metabolite profiling of polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB)-resistant and sensitive populations of Atlantic killifish (Fundulus heteroclitus). Aquatic Toxicology. 205:114-122.
Oh, D.-J., Hur, S.-P., Bouchekioua, S., Takeuchi, Y., Udagawa, S., Aluru, N., Park, Y-J., Park, Ji-G., Kim, Se-J., Moon, T.W., Vijayan, M.M., Takemura, A. 2018. Tide-related changes in mRNA abundance of aromatases and estrogen receptors in the ovary and brain of the Three spot Wrasse Halichoeres trimaculatus. Ocean Science Journal. 53(2), 239-249.
Aluru, N., Karchner, S.I., Krick, K.S*., Zhu, W., Liu, J. 2018. Role of DNA methylation in altered gene expression patterns in adult zebrafish (Danio rerio) exposed to 3, 3′, 4, 4′, 5-pentachlorobiphenyl (PCB 126). Environmental Epigenetics. 4(1):dvy005.
Sadoul, B., Birceanu, O., Aluru, N., Thomas, J.K. Vijayan, M.M. 2017. Bisphenol A in eggs causes development-specific liver molecular reprogramming in two generations of rainbow trout. Scientific Reports. 7(1):14131.
Aluru, N., Karchner, S.I., Glazer, L*. 2017. Early life exposure to low levels of AHR agonist PCB126 (3,3’,4,4’,5-pentachlorobiphenyl) reprograms gene expression in adult brain. Toxicological Sciences (
Aluru, N. 2017. Epigenetic effects of environmental chemicals: Insights from zebrafish. Critical Reviews in Toxicology, 6: 27-33.
Sadoul, B., Birceanu, O., Aluru, N., Thomas, J.K. Vijayan, M.M. 2017. Bisphenol A in eggs causes development-specific liver molecular reprogramming in two generations of rainbow trout. Scientific Reports 7: 14131.
Reid, N.M., Jackson, C.E., Gilbert, D., Minx, P., Montague, M.J., Hampton, T.H., Helfrich, L.W*., King, B.L., Nacci, D.E., Aluru, N., Karchner, S.I., Colbourne, J.K., Hahn, M.E., Shaw, J.R., Oleksiak, M.F., Crawford, D.L., Warren, W.C., Whitehead, A. 2017. The landscape of extreme genomic variation in the highly adaptable Atlantic killifish. Genome Biology and Evolution, 9 (3): 659–676.
Faught, E., N. Aluru, M.M. Vijayan. 2016. Chapter 4. The molecular stress response. In: Fish Physiology, Volume 35. Biology of Stress in Fish. Eds. C.B. Shreck, L. Tort, A. Farrell, C. Brauner. Academic Press.
Glazer, L*., Hahn, M.E., Aluru, N. 2016. Delayed effects of developmental exposure to low levels of the aryl hydrocarbon receptor agonist 3,3′,4,4′,5-pentachlorobiphenyl (PCB126) on adult zebrafish behavior. Neurotoxicology, 52: 134-143.
Lopes-Marques, M., R. Ruivo, I. Delgado, J.M. Wilson, N. Aluru, and L.F. Castro. 2015. Basal Gnathostomes provide unique insights into the evolution of vitamin B12 binders. Genome Biol Evol, 7(2): 457-464.
Aluru, N., Kuo, E*., Helfrich, L.W*., Karchner, S.I., Linney, E.A., Pais, J., Franks, D.G. 2015. Developmental exposure to 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin alters DNA methyltransferase (dnmt) expression in zebrafish (Danio rerio). Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology, 284(2):142-151.
Aluru, N., Karchner, S.I., Franks, D.G., Nacci, D., Champlin, D., Hahn, M.E. 2015. Targeted mutagenesis of 2a and 2b genes in Atlantic Killifish (Fundulus heteroclitus). Aquatic Toxicology 158: 192-201.
Wang, L., Zhang, J., Duan, J., Gao, X., Zhu, W., Lu, X., Yang, L., Zhang, J., Li, G., Ci, W., Li, W., Zhou, Q., Aluru, N., Tang, F., He, C., Huang, X., Liu, J. 2014. Programming and inheritance of parental DNA methylomes in mammals. Cell 157(4): 979-991.
Aluru, N., Jenny, M.J., Hahn, M.E. 2014. Knockdown of a Zebrafish Aryl Hydrocarbon Receptor Repressor (ahrra) Affects Expression of Genes Related to Photoreceptor Development and Hematopoiesis. Toxicological Sciences 139: 381-395.
Aluru, N., Deak, K.L*., Jenny, M.J., Hahn, M.E. 2013. Developmental exposure to valproic acid alters the expression of microRNAs involved in neurodevelopment in zebrafish. Neurotoxicology and Teratology 40:46-58.
Jenny, M.J., Aluru, N., Hahn, M.E. 2012. Effects of short-term exposure to 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin on microRNA expression in zebrafish embryos. Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology 264: 262-273.
Barkataki, S., Aluru, N., Li, M., Vijayan, M.M., Leatherland, J.F. 2012. Characteristics of ovarian follicle steroidogenesis during vitellogenesis in an asynchronously ovulating stock of rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss. Journal of Fish Biology 80: 741-751.
Shepherd, B., Aluru, N., Vijayan, M.M. 2011. Acute handling disturbance modulates plasma insulin like growth factor binding proteins in Rainbow trout. Domestic Animal Endocrinology 40: 129-139.
Aluru, N., Karchner S.I., Hahn M.E. 2011. Role of DNA methylation of AHR1 and AHR2 promoters in differential sensitivity to PCBs in Atlantic Killifish, Fundulus heteroclitus. Aquatic Toxicology 101: 288-294.
Alsop, D., Aluru, N. 2011. Development of hypothalamus-pituitary-interrenal axis. Encyclopedia of Fish Physiology: From Genome to Environment. A.P. Farrell, Editor, Elsevier. ISBN: 978-0-12-374545-3.
Vijayan, M.M., N. Aluru, Leatherland, J.F. 2010. Organismal and cellular stress, in Fish Diseases and Disorders, Volume 2: Non-infectious Disorders, J.F. Leatherland and P.Woo. Editors., CAB International: Oxfordshire, UK. p. 416.
Nikaido, Y., Aluru, N., McGuire, A., Park, Y.J., Vijayan, M.M., Takemura, A. 2010. Effect of cortisol on melatonin production by the pineal organ of tilapia, Oreochromis mossambicus. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology A. Molecular and Integrative Physiology 155: 84-90.
Methling, C., Aluru, N., Vijayan, M.M., Steffensen, J.F. 2010. Effect of moderate hypoxia at three acclimation temperatures on stress responses in Atlantic cod with different hemoglobin types. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology A. Molecular and Integrative Physiology 156: 485-490.
McGuire, A., Aluru, N., Takemura, A., Weil, R., Wilson, J.M., Vijayan, M.M. 2010. Hyperosmotic shock adaptation by cortisol involves upregulation of branchial osmotic stress transcription factor 1 gene expression in Mozambique Tilapia. General and Comparative Endocrinology 165: 321-329.
Aluru, N., Leatherland, J.F., Vijayan, M.M. 2010. Bisphenol A in oocytes leads to growth suppression and altered stress performance in juvenile Rainbow trout. PLoS One 5: e10741.
Aluru, N., Vijayan, M.M. 2009. Stress transcriptomics in fish: A role for genomic cortisol signaling. General and Comparative Endocrinology 164: 142-150
Aluru, N., Vijayan, M.M. 2008. Brain transcriptomics in response to β-naphthoflavone treatment in rainbow trout: the role of aryl hydrocarbon receptor signaling. Aquatic Toxicology 87: 1-12.
Aluru, N., Vijayan, M.M. 2008. Molecular characterization, tissue specific expression and regulation of melanocortin 2 receptor in rainbow trout. Endocrinology 149: 4577-4588.
Park, C.B., Takemura, A., Aluru, N., Park, Y.J., Kim, B.H., Lee, C.H., Lee, Y.D., Moon, T.W., Vijayan, M.M. 2007. Tissue-specific suppression of estrogen, androgen and glucocorticoid receptor gene expression in feral vitellogenic male Mozambique tilapia. Chemosphere 69: 32-40.
Moran. P.W., Aluru,N., Black, R. W., Vijayan, M.M. 2007. Tissue contaminants and associated transcriptional response in trout liver from remote high elevation lakes of Western Washington. Environmental Science and Technology 41: 6591-6597.
Aluru, N., Vijayan, M.M. 2007. Hepatic transcriptome response to glucocorticoid receptor activation in rainbow trout. Physiological Genomics 31: 483-491.
Vijayan, M.M., Aluru, N., Maule, A.G., Jorgensen, E.H. 2006. Fasting augments PCB impact on liver metabolism in anadromous Arctic charr. Toxicological Sciences 91: 431-439.
Jorgensen, E.H., Vijayan, M.M., Killie, J.E.A., Aluru, N., Aas-Hansen, O., Maule, A.G. 2006. Toxicokinetics and effects of PCB in Arctic fish: A review of studies on Arctic charr. J. Toxicology and Environmental Health, Part A. 69: 37-52.
Aluru, N., Vijayan, M.M. 2006. Aryl hydrocarbon receptor activation impairs cortisol response to stress in rainbow trout by disrupting the rate-limiting steps in steroidogenesis. Endocrinology 147: 1895-1903.
Aluru, N., Vijayan, M.M. 2006. Resveratrol affects CYP1A expression in rainbow trout hepatocytes. Aquatic Toxicology 77: 291-297.
Cara, J.B., Aluru, N., Moyano, F.J., Vijayan, M.M. 2005. Food-deprivation induces HSP70 and HSP90 protein expression in larval gilthead sea bream and rainbow trout. Comparative Biochemistry Physiolology B. Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 142: 426-431.
Aluru, N., Vuori, K., Vijayan, M.M. 2005. Modulation of Ah receptor and CYP1A1 expression by alpha-naphthoflavone in rainbow trout hepatocytes. Comparative Biochemistry Physiology C Toxicology Pharmacology 141: 40-49.
Aluru, N., Renaud, R., Leatherland, J.F., Vijayan, M.M. 2005. Ah Receptor-mediated impairment of interrenal steroidogenesis involves StAR protein and P450scc gene attenuation in rainbow trout. Toxicological Sciences 84: 260-269.
Aluru, N. and M.M. Vijayan. 2004. beta-Naphthoflavone disrupts cortisol production and liver glucocorticoid responsiveness in rainbow trout. Aquat Toxicol, 67(3): 273-285.
Aluru, N., Jorgensen, E.H., Maule, A.G., Vijayan, M.M. 2004. PCB disruption of the hypothalamus-pituitary-interrenal axis involves brain glucocorticoid receptor downregulation in anadromous Arctic charr. American Journal of Physiology Integrative Comparative Physiology 287: R787-R793.
Jorgensen, E.H., Vijayan, M.M., Aluru, N., Maule, A.G. 2002. Fasting modifies Aroclor 1254 impact on plasma cortisol, glucose and lactate responses to a handling disturbance in Arctic charr. Comparative Biochemistry Physiolology C Toxicology Pharmacology 132: 235-245.